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Oak Creek Citizens Action (O.C.C.A.) was originally founded in the late 1980’s. The Group’s original purpose was to address Oak Creek’s taxes and ballooning debt. The Groups founding members were concerned citizens and leaders of the Oak Creek business community.

Through the years O.C.C.A has been at the forefront of many issues in the city. Some of its membership helped Dale Richards in his mayoral election in 1990. Mayor Richards took Oak Creek from having millions of debt to debt free status by 2000. O.C.C.A. members helped prevent the development of Falk Park between Rawson and Drexel (near I94) from being turned into a Brewers Stadium.

O.C.C.A. has also been instrumental in the crafting of language governing Oak Creek’s flood plains and the City’s Master Plan. The Group has also circulated petitions to address the status of the City Clerk’s and Treasurer’s positions keeping them as elected positions rather than appointed.

The largest undertaking by O.C.C.A. was in 2006. A Direct Legislation Petition was circulated to prevent the City from spending perhaps 20 million to construct a new city hall and library. The current adopted ordinance requires the city council to put these two issues to a referendum if more than $2.5 million is to be spent on either building.

Oak Creek Citizens Action continues to work to keep taxes and spending under control as well as working on issues and concerns of the residents of Oak Creek.